Because my travels in Europe brought me to the conclusion that I want to do my IP (Integrative Project) in Information Design, specifically focusing on Legibility, Literacy, and Accessibility, I have decided to make this space a collection of design elements that have inspired me, influenced me, or I just simply like.
As of right now my leading idea involves the immigration progress and the chaotic body that it is within the U.S. Government. I do not wish to address any of the laws. Just simply it's accessibility and understandability. I wish to make a very complex and confusing process into an understandable body of design that can be read cohesively by the average person. The term "average" I use lightly considering the fact that immigrants are the opposite of the "American Average Joe". In fact, the likeliness that they even speak English is very low.
My second idea (idea also a loose term) is Vision, Visual Impairment, and Visual Compensation. I have done a variety of projects dealing with vision, particularly my own. If I were to do this I would want it to be something communicative that does not involve reading. Public information or public space or public signs for the blind. How to handle that way in a politically and socially correct way. This could involve sound, brail, or maybe smell? To be quite honest most of my thoughts have been geared toward my first idea.
My final idea is Public Transportation design. Making it more communicative and versatile as far as understandings go. This would involve designing an ISOtype or set of simple graphic elements that could be understood by everyone without words. After experiencing many cities in many languages as a tourist I can't imagine the undertaking this would be.
This blog will from now on be my IP collection. I think it fits perfectly with the my progression of thoughts and ideas from my time spent abroad. Hopefully I will discover the method to my madness through the following posts.
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