Thursday, February 4, 2010

Weekly Recap 1/29-2/5

What I did:

Worked on type samples:  7 hours
Worked on resume, business card, leave behind, and portfolio:  9 hours
Career Fair: 4 hours non stop.

What I accomplished, encountered, discovered:

I felt really good after critique on tuesday.  I'm definitely making progress but feel like  have SO much to do still.  I'm so prepared to devote most of the weekend, especially since the career fair is over.

I've really been trying to maintain the "checklist" aspect.  Having something to mark off is important in a practical sense to make sure that everything is included but also in an emotional satisfactory sense, being able to check something off the list is  great feeling of accomplishment to a lot of people.

I need a different way to differentiate things that are absolutely required and a list of things that people need at least one of.  I really like the way the narrow columns work in 4th spread.  In critique we talked about maybe using the narrow columns in a vertical list for required items and then horizontal if they need at least one for the other section.

I need to do a lot more work on the type.  San serif is definitely the way to go but I need to find a face that is neutral but still has a humanistic and fun quality to it.  We decided that Futura is too loud for this.  I want it to look professional and believable and legitimate but not so "official" that it is unapproachable. We also talked about adding details in the background or something that ads some more visual interest but doesn't interrupt the function.

I also re-worked the graph/chart.  I think this is more aesthetically pleasing but not as functional.  The language needs a lot of work.  Hannah didn't like this as much as the ugly one from the old proof.  I think there can be a happy medium.  I agree with her that there is a quality of absoluteness to the old one that is unmistakable and should somehow be adapted to the aesthetic of this one.  

The career fair was great today.  It was like job speed dating.  I felt so great afterwords.  I got some really great feedback and tips and some potential interviews and opportunities.

Whats next:
work work work work.

apply apply apply apply.

I have a meeting with Franc on thursday to go over my process and with Megan Levad on Friday to go over my writing within the project.  I think they will both be great resources.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're meeting with Frac... I was going to suggest you speak with him if you haven't already. I would love to take a look at these iterations all together (it's a little hard to look at them stacked on the screen like this).

I agree that you need to be clear, and eliminate all confusion. If your audience is the people who are trying to immigrate- it is imperitive that the goal is clarity. I also think you can be clear and still be aesthetically pleasing, and you are working hard to find that.

I want to see these iterations in person-
Good work