Friday, March 19, 2010

Weekly Recap 3/13-3/19

What I did:
Plugged and Chugged the "I want to Immigrate" book - 25+ hours
Started "I am a U.S. Citizen and I want my family to immigrate" book - 2 hours
Exhibition thoughts - 1 hour

What I accomplished blah blah blah:
Well I would post images but book 1 is approaching 50 pages very soon.  The only changes that have been made to format are nitpicky details, I'm proud to say I'm at that point!  I'm really in the plug and chug stage of putting in the content into a really great format.  The remaining 2 books will go pretty quick I think, considering the content is just a rewording and phrasing from the first book.

In small group yesterday we briefly talked about my exhibition format.  I would like to have my big "what can I apply for" map large scale on the wall, there are two other maps like that in the context of the other two books.  I'm not sure I need all three.  I would also like to have all 3 books on pedastles for people to look through as well as a poster that runs along the lines of my postcard that could give my opening statement.   A lot of the people in my group wanted the information to be contextualized even more with a "before and after" type thing, somehow have the current USCIS info displayed to show the mass improvement I've made.  I think it's a good idea but I don't know how to do it without it being a "bash the government" type connotation.  I need some advice on that.

Whats next:
keep going, complete the books, make edits, print etc.  This is so exciting!!


Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear you are in such a good place! I am wondering how large you mean, when you say you would like to see your map blown up to a large scale. Is this a large poster size, or several feet in each direction? I think that people would be more likely to look at the information on only one map rather than if you presented all three, especially if they are visually similar.

I do think you should have an example of the immigration website and paperwork that is currently availalbe to contrast your work. One way to establish this contrast as not bashing the govt is to think of your work as a possibility of what it could be rather than a before and after makeover. "The current model" vs. "Claire's updated model." It's all in the tone. In your explanation of the necessity for your project, rather than being persuasively dramatic, state the facts. It's like being a gracious winner. While they have included the necessary information and have recently updated the design on their website, many of the procedures are still unclear because of blah blah blah. It won't come off as bashing the govt's designer if you intend to show them respect. People will be able to see the difference visually also, and draw their own conclusions about which version would be more user friendly.
