Thursday, May 28, 2009

Geneva, Switzerland

My lonely trip to the  most beautiful country in the world started with a very early train from Milano Centrale to Gare du Geneva.  Geneva, and the rest of the Swiss Riviera, are in French speaking Switzerland very close to the French boarder.  Lake Geneva is surrounded by the Swiss and French alps.  The train ride was one of the best parts of the trip.  Directly through the Italian and Swiss alps to the lake.  It was amazingly beautiful.

My travel life in a nutshell.  Water, camera case, cell phone, travel book, novel, and Ipod which was probably on my lap

Once I ate lunch (Sushi!) and checked into the hostel I wandered around.  This is the Brunswick Memorial.

My friends.

The biggest fountain in the world.  "Le Jet"

The biggest flower clock in the world.

Streets of the old city

The Cathedral.  Swiss towns are so tight and compact you can't get far enough away from the cathedral to get a picture of the whole thing.

#1 clue it's a Gothic cathedral:  Rose Window.

View from the top hill in the Old City.  You can see the Jet in the background.